
Celebri-pup Status | Speaking on Social Media Growth

Last Wednesday, Dad and I had the most amazing opportunity to partner with the Animal Welfare League of Arlington (AWLA) to share our knowledge, tips, and tricks on building a social media following for your pet. Alongside Izzy the chow (@izzythechow), Linx (@lynx.meownuel.purranda), and Sebastian and Luna (@sebastianlovesluna), we sat on a panel with our parents to answer a series of questions as well as a few questions from the audience.

The overall mission of AWLA is to improve the lives of animals by creating a world where animals find compassionate and permanent homes. Through events like this one and direct donations, AWLA has been helping animals in the Arlington area since 1944.

People frequently ask us how we did it, how we were able to grow our account and what can they do to grow theirs. Though we are asked these questions fairly often, the answer is not as simple as it looks! There are so many different factors to consider when it comes to social media.

The first question we were asked is the most important for all people wanting to create a social media account for their pet: why start an Instagram for your animal? For us, it was simple, mom and dad wanted an easy platform to share my puppy photos with our friends and family. Ultimately, by producing quality content, posting consistently, and engaging with the community, we were able to build our audience. Along the way, several companies have noticed our account, and we have had some really cool opportunities!

For the rest of this event, each pet parent answered a series of questions regarding how they grew their pet’s social media accounts. It was very interesting to hear how each account has a slightly different approach. It just goes to show how diverse social media truly is and how different pathways can take your account to new levels. I know Mom and Dad are looking forward to trying out the tips we learned from the other panel members that we never thought of before.

If you missed the event, no worries! We plan on talking about our personal social media growth and what worked for us in a future post. Thank you again to all of our local friends who came out to support us and this amazing cause.


Navy, Alex, and Zach



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