We DNA Tested Our “Purebred” Dog | Embark Dog DNA Review
Why did we DNA test our purebred dog?
We’ve heard about DNA testing, specifically DNA testing for dogs, for quite some time now. The Embark dog DNA test primarily helps dog parents learn about their pup’s breed and ancestry. Sure, but what if your dog is purebred? Well, Embark DNA testing also helps determine if your pet has any genetic traits or conditions that could cause health issues in the future.
We know Navy is 100% Cardigan Welsh Corgi. We bought our dog, Navy, from a breeder and we were given her pedigree charts dating back to the late 1980s. Yet why the h*ck does she look more like a mix than a Cardigan Corgi?
Embark DNA was kind enough to send us a complimentary kit so that we could help answer the question confidently.
Unboxing our Embark DNA Kit:
The Embark DNA kit itself is incredibly easy and straightforward. It comes in a small box with instructions. The kit also offers more detailed instructions online. Embark also recommends making an account online to track the progress of your swab.
The swabbing, aka Navy’s worst nightmare, was honestly the only difficult part about this entire process. Per instructions, we swabbed (or attempted to swab) the inside of her cheek for approximately 30 seconds. The idea is to get cheek cells for Embark to test. After sealing everything up, you ship it back to Embark in the same pre-paid box it came in.

Every week Embark would email us and let us know the progress of her sample. Initially we were told it would take 5-7 weeks to see her final results, but it actually took us less than 3 weeks.

Reading our Embark results:
I will be completely honest with you guys. When I got the email about Navy’s results being in, I was nervous. What if Navy was actually not a Cardigan Corgi? What if she was at risk for a serious health issue down the road?
Nevertheless, I logged onto our Embark account to take a look at the results, which are divided into four sections: research, heath, breed, and traits. Embark offers a public profile with all of Navy’s information to share with our friends and family.
I was a little confused when I first clicked through this section. However after reading through Embark’s web page I realized that by answering a few assessments on your allergies, nutrition, exercise, behavior, etc., you can help Embark further their research on dogs–how cool is that!
Embark tests for over 160 genetic conditions that affect dogs. For each one of these conditions, they determined whether Navy has a genetic likelihood of developing that condition or drug sensitivity. If she is “at risk” for a condition, you can take that information to your vet’s office to discuss. If Navy is a carrier or clear, it means it does not impact her health, but if we were to ever breed her (which we are not), we would have to consider the impacts to her future pups’ health.
Luckily Navy was not at risk or a carrier for anything and she was clear from the 167 genetic conditions they tested for.

We are pleased to announce that Navy is 100% Cardigan Welsh Corgi! Now we can finally tell everyone with utmost confidence that Navy is NOT a mix (not that there is anything wrong with mixes). If Navy had been a mix, Embark would break down her maternal and paternal lineage. How cool is that?

In short, this section of the results shows why your dog is unique from their coat color, body features, body size, performance, and genetic diversity. I was a little confused by our results. However, the “learn more” links after each trait gave more details.
Final thoughts on Embark DNA testing:
In short, would we recommend Embark DNA testing for your dog? Yes! We really enjoyed reading through Navy’s genetic makeup. I will be honest, I was a little concerned that her profile said Navy’s adult weight should be 24 pounds. Navy is a year and a half and fluctuates between 18-19 pounds. We obviously want Navy to live a happy, healthy life, so we will be sure to bring this up with our vet.
Are you interested in getting your pets DNA tested? Check out Embark’s website for more information! An Embark DNA kit would be a great gift to any dog parent, especially those with rescues.
This post was originally drafted for Pupfluence. As on of their pup blogger’s, Navy received this DNA kit in exchange for our honest review.

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