A Day in the Life of Duke and Navy | Quarantine Edition
Are you curious to know the kind of chaos we get into behind our blog and Instagram? Everytime we host a question and answer session on our blog we are asked the question, what does a typical day look like for Duke and Navy? If we were still operating as normal, our schedule would be pretty boring! This is really why we never gave a second thought to sharing our routine. During a normal work day and pending mine and Zach’s schedule, Duke and Navy would either go to daycare or have a dog walker come to our home–not really something worthy of a blog post! But, given the current situation now that both Zach and I work from home, I wanted to share what a normal day looks like for us.
0800 – Alarm goes off. Duke and Navy are usually already up. Like clockwork they’ll make their way to our bed justttt to make sure we heard the alarm (we did). Zach and I are greeted with either corgi snuggles, kisses or to the sound of the two play fighting.
0830 – We make our way downstairs and let the pups outside to relieve themselves. We take a few minutes to start the coffee (for ourselves) and make breakfast for Duke and Navy.
0845-0945 – It is time to play outside! While Zach and I log onto our computers and get our days started, we let the pups play outside unsupervised. They are not completely unsupervised though. Zach keeps the blinds looking into the yard open so he can keep a good eye on the dogs.
1000-1130 – Mid mornings are pretty rough for Zach and I. This is generally when things get pretty busy. The dogs are usually exhausted from playing outside so we use this 90 minute period for their “chill time.” We are blessed to have a separate bedroom upstairs for the dogs. A simple ‘kennel up!’ will have them chasing each other up the stairs to see who gets in their kennel first. To keep them occupied, we either give them a chew (we love Real Dog box!) or a Kong toy filled with frozen peanut butter.

1200 – Lunch time! Navy and Duke do a pretty good job of letting us know when they need to go outside. Usually around 1130-12ish Navy will yap a few times to let me know she (and Duke) is bored, needs to go potty, or she’s ready to stretch her legs. Depending on our work schedule, I will try to carve out 30 minutes or so to take Duke and Navy on a long walk around the neighborhood.

1300-1600 – After a long walk Navy and Duke are either tired or feeling energized! The pups will either separate and nap, or play! If Zach and I are particularly busy, we will let them outside again to burn off more of their energy or let them nap in their kennels. Again, the two do a pretty good job of letting us know when they need to go outside. We recently installed a doggy door on our screen door so during warmer days we will keep the patio door open to allow Duke and Navy to come in and out as they please.

1730 – Work is done and it is time for a family walk. Around 1730 when Zach and I are both done with work we will take Navy and Duke on a long walk together. After our walk, the dogs will go to their kennels to rest while Zach and I workout.
1930 – Dinner! Navy and Duke generally eat dinner between 1845-1930. Almost immediately after eating the two will go outside to relieve themselves. We let the two run around and play for a bit while we make dinner for ourselves.
2130 – It’s the last chance for the pups to go outside before we head upstairs for bed. We At this time, we don’t like to let them out for too long-just long enough to relieve themselves and maybe chase each other around the yard once or twice.
Navy and Duke will start the night in bed with us, but usually after about 15 minutes they will hop off and sleep on the floor or their bed.
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading about how we spend a typical day (lately). Do you have a general routine or schedule for your dogs? I hope you have an amazing day!