Hi! Welcome to our blog, Navy Corgi. We are Alex and Zach, the humans behind our two adorable dogs’ Instagram and blog. We are Washington, D.C. based, but find ourselves on the road frequently. We started this blog as an extension of Navy’s Instagram page to share our experiences of raising a puppy, document our pet-friendly travels, share easy dog-friendly recipes, review some awesome products, and share the tips and tricks we used to help grow and navigate Navy’s social media accounts.
Our goal is to help our readers, whether new or seasoned dog parents, lead a more dog-friendly lifestyle.

Navy is a purebred Cardigan Welsh Corgi (yes we are sure, and no she is not a mix). Not only does Navy carry the recessive fluffy gene, Navy also carries the recessive blue merle pattern coat, meaning she is pretty unique. Affectionately known as the “yap queen” Navy loves to be heard. Navy is a sassy, feisty pup that loves belly rubs, butt scratches, playing fetch, and all the sticks her little mouth can carry!

As of April 2019, Duke is the newest addition to our family. They may look a little different, but Duke is also a purebred blue merle Cardigan Welsh Corgi. In fact, he is a full sibling of Navy, born from the same parents two years after his older sister! Unlike Navy, Duke is incredibly affectionate and cuddly. Like his sister, Duke can get a little feisty and loves to pick up sticks during walks.

Alex grew up in the Philadelphia suburbs. Field hockey brought her to the great state of Virginia where she competed at a division one level. She moved to Washington, D.C. where she now works in international affairs. Alex is the photographer and voice behind Navy’s blog and Instagram account.

Zach was born and raised in the Northern Virginia area. Zach currently works as an IT consultant. He is also the one always standing behind Alex during photo shoots, holding treats and making noises to capture Navy and Duke’s attention.